IQ Test – The Intelligence Quiz

by Paul Stelzer for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Paul Stelzer.

IQ Test – The Intelligence Quiz is a free app for Android devices that can be used to measure your intelligence. It is based on the standard test by John C. Wechsler, the developer of the Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults, and is used as a tool for mental health. The test consists of a series of questions, each of which has a certain number of points. A score above 100 indicates that you are more intelligent than the average person, while a score below 100 indicates that you have a lower IQ than the average person.

In the app, you can find the following categories:

Categories: Dices, Matrix, Remember, Numbers, Order, and more.

Tasks: You can find a list of the tasks and the points you get for each task.