GPS Land Field Area Calculator

by GPS Map Camera for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by GPS Map Camera.

GPS Land Field Area Calculator is an app that can calculate the area of a piece of land based on the coordinates of its center. This tool is ideal for people who want to calculate the area of a piece of land they own or wish to purchase, as well as for those who need to measure the land they’re going to use as a site for building.

The app is based on the concept of a sphere, which is the most commonly used shape for measuring the area of a piece of land. However, you can use any shape you want, as long as it’s a circle or a square.

The app has been designed to be used by anyone, from beginners to experts.

To use the app, you just have to select the option that best suits your needs and then click on the map.

After that, you can add the points that you want to use for measuring and then click on the calculate button.

You can also save your results and edit them if you need to.

You can add more than one point to the area measurement and you can edit the points that you added.

You can also add the points that you want to use as a reference for measuring the area of the land.

You can also add the option for the area measurement by walking.

This option allows you to measure the area of the land based on the coordinates of the center of the land.