
by hasegawa takuji for Android 13.0

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トニーくんの直接フリーキック is a popular action game that can be easily played by anyone for free! In this soccer action game, you can take world-class free kicks. Utilize walls and rebounds to aim for the goal from various angles and try to score without the goalkeeper stopping you!

To play, use the arrow buttons to determine the angle to kick the ball. The power gauge moves when you press the kick button. Press the kick button again to determine the power and kick the ball.

The controls are simple, making it a fun action game for everyone from kids to adults.

This game is recommended for:

  • Those looking for a free and easy game
  • Those looking for a game to pass the time
  • Those who are good at action games
  • Those who want to enjoy apps for free
  • Those who want to escape boredom