MediaHuman Lyrics Finder

by for Mac OS X

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Complete Your Missing Song Lyrics

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder is a software application developed for Mac operating systems that helps users complete the missing song lyrics in their iTunes library. Simple to use, just drag and drop tracks into the interface and MediaHuman Lyrics Finder does the rest. It’s a safe operation and doesn’t overwrite your existing lyrics. With access to over a million different songs and song lyrics from all over the internet, MediaHuman Lyrics Finder can do the heavy lifting for you so that you never have to search for song lyrics again.

Find missing lyrics in your music collection

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder is a freeware software application which can help you to find and add missing lyrics (song text) to all songs in your music library. It’s a safe operation because app doesn’t overwrite lyrics you’ve already had. Very easy to use: simply drag’n’drop some tracks from your favourite music player (e.g. iTunes) and MediaHuman Lyrics Finder will do the rest. With the help of it you will have access to over a million different lyrics collected from various sources on the Internet.