Мой доход

by Easy Apps Dev for Android 9.0

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Мой доход – Simple and Convenient Income Accounting App

Мой доход is a free Android application developed by Easy Apps Dev under the Business & Productivity category’s Finance subcategory. This app is designed to help users keep track of their income, with a simple and convenient interface. The app offers a variety of features, including the ability to create multiple accounting cards, flexible appearance settings, calculator in data entry window, archive, restore from archive, backup and restore data, and password protection.

The app’s interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it perfect for those who are not tech-savvy. Users can create multiple accounting cards and edit header names for each card, making it easy to keep track of different sources of income. The app also offers a calculator in the data entry window, making it easy to calculate income and expenses on the go.

One of the most useful features of Мой доход is the ability to archive and restore data. This feature ensures that users can keep track of their income history, even if they delete the app from their device. The app also offers backup and restore data options, making it easy to transfer data between devices.

Overall, Мой доход is a great app for anyone looking for a simple and convenient way to keep track of their income. With its user-friendly interface and useful features, this app is definitely worth checking out.