Name Text on Photo APK

by Bhima apps for Android 13.0

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A free app for Android, by Bhima Apps.

Text on Photo is a simple, yet very effective application that is designed to write on pictures in a quick and easy manner. With this application, you can create beautiful and unique text-based artwork, such as the ones found in the app itself.

What is Text on Photo?

The application itself is very easy to use, as it has an intuitive interface that allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful text-based artwork. However, in order to create the most unique and impressive pieces of art, you will need to learn how to use the different tools that are available in the application.

In order to use the application, you will need to:

1. Open the application

2. Select a photo from your camera roll

3. Add the text that you want to write

4. Select the font that you want to use

5. Select the style

6. Save your work

7. You can now share your work on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks.

You can also save your work and share it with your friends and family.