Money Dashboard Neon – Money Budget Manager

by Money Dashboard for Android 9.0

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Money Dashboard – A Free Personal Budgeting

Money Dashboard is a free personal budgeting app that helps you track, categorize, and make smarter financial decisions with a view to help you save money.

With over 50 different banks and 50+ institutions with which you can directly interface, it connects directly to your bank accounts and personal financial accounts. It’s a safe and secure way to keep an eye on your money and get a better handle on how, when, and where you spend it.

The Money Dashboard app helps you track and organize your financial accounts, including savings accounts, credit cards, bank cards, and more. You can easily categorize transactions into different groups to help you better manage your money. 

You can also create budgets and track spending by categories. It also gives you the flexibility to link multiple accounts with a single Money Dashboard account. This allows you to manage your money in one place.

The app also shows you how much you can safely spend until your next payday, meaning you can avoid unexpected overdrafts or unnecessary spending. This makes it a safe and secure way to manage your money.

It’s a free app and it only takes five minutes to download and set up.