Unlimited Weight – Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod

by Nexus Mods for Windows 8.1

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Carry all you can in this Deliverance mod

Unlimited Weight – Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod is a game utility developed by user Hantise and powered by Nexus Mods. In this add-on, you now have the power to instantly raise your character’s weight carrying capacity to virtually unlimited. This way, you no longer have to worry about reaching your limit and having to leave items and materials behind.

If you’re a crafter or item collector, Unlimited Weight – Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod is definitely for you. It is among the mods that make life in Deliverance easier through minor changes, similar to Bow Dot Reticle –  Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod.

A small yet valuable fix

Unlimited Weight – Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod was created specifically for the RPG game Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It’s an action-adventure game set in the Middle Ages. Its strong points include realism and historical accuracy. As logic dictates, you can’t carry a whole lot of items because that would be physically impossible–and the mod removes one of these limitations. You can stock up on resources and weapons as much as you want.

It also comes in relatively small file size and is fairly easy to install too. You just have to transfer the “Unlimited Weight” folder to the specified file directory. However, using the mod itself will require you to make changes to the original script that is located in the mod folder. It requires an app that can open .XML files and change the value.

Also, the game does not support all versions of the base game, which puts you at risk of any of its reported bugs. There are certain instances where the mod just doesn’t work. However, there is a transition at the end of a certain quest that, once completed with the mod on, could cause the majority of the items in your inventory to suddenly disappear.

Use with caution

If you’re one of the players who prefer hoarding items, then Unlimited Weight – Kingdom Come: Deliverance Mod is perfect for you. You can set the weight capacity value once and leave it as is, allowing you to bypass one of the game’s rules and carry as much as you want. However, it has persisting issues rooted in its lack of compatibility with various game versions.