The Doom Of The Pond

by Furillo Productions for Windows 8.1

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Survival horror text adventure game

The Doom Of The Pond is an adventure game for PC developed by Furillo Productions. It’s an interactive text-based survival horror created to be played on the ZX Spectrum 128k. It tells the story of a former company director, his pet turtles, and the mysteries surrounding his hometown: Bernard Valley.

The Doom Of The Pond’s art style is quite similar to S.o.L.o and Space Invaders, featuring bright and vibrant pixel style and sprite for their design. The game is available in two versions: one with only the base game and the other has the full soundtrack included.

What is The Doom Of The Pond about?

The Doom Of The Pond is set in the dystopian town of Bernard Valley, June 1980. You play Peter Parrish, a lonely and shady ex-director for a customer service company. He owns two pet turtles that were given to him by his nephews. However, not wanting pet-owner responsibility, he abandons them at the village pond. He soon realizes that there’s more to the pond than meets the eye.

The game can be played using either your keyboard or joystick, but both are simple and easy to familiarize yourself with. Your O and P keys are for left and right, respectively. While the Q and A keys are for up and down. Then, your Spacebar is for the fire or select action. The same applies to your joystick and its corresponding directions and button.

Throughout the game, all the items and creatures you face will be recorded and be on display in the Trophies section. They will remain even if you lose in the game. There are save points in the form of lighthouses to help you preserve your progress, though. One thing to point out is that this game was originally written in Spanish, hence some English translations are not always grammatically correct.

A nice survival horror game for the ZX Spectrum 128k

If you’re a fan of games made for the ZX Spectrum personal computer, you should add The Doom Of The Pond to your list of must-plays. It provides a unique text-based survival horror adventure experience that is more than worth playing and experiencing. Highly recommended.