My Earthquake Alerts Pro – Quake Map Feed

by Jake Ruston for Android 13.0

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Paid smartphone application to monitor earthquake activity

My Earthquake Alerts Pro is a paid software bundle for smartphones that monitors all global data associated with earthquake activity. Users can be alerted if a major event happens to occur. Note that these alerts will be customized in accordance with personal preferences.

While many free monitoring tools, such as, offer only basic information, access to more in-depth data is often not possible. This smartphone application is, therefore, ideal for anyone who wishes to employ many of the same utilities that are employed by professional seismologists.

Free options for more basic monitoring desires

While the paid version of My Earthquake Alerts Pro offers a wealth of information, users can still opt for a free alternative. The only major difference is that the free bundle contains numerous in-app advertisements.

Comprehensive data within seconds

It is possible to access a host of important metrics related to a specific earthquake. This data includes the depth of the quake, its exact location and its intensity measured in degrees of magnitude. Users can likewise activate a push notification option to be immediately alerted of an event in their area.

Point-and-click functionality

The developers of this program have made it simple to locate a seismic event. Users can simply click on the icon in order to analyze specific details, such as the time and the intensity.

A host of uses

This application can be used to monitor live events or even as an educational tool, much like Earthquake Simulator VR. Either way, there is plenty to learn from My Earthquake Alerts Pro.