QuickFox Notes

by InBasic for Mac OS X

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Keep notes in Firefox!

If you use the internet for research (and let’s face it who doesn’t?), wouldn’t it be useful to be able to take notes in your browser while you’re doing it? With the Firefox extension QuickFox Notes, you’ll have a notes function added to Firefox, where you can quickly leave any text or links you like for later.

After installation, you have to right click the toolbar of Firefox, go to ‘Customize’ and then drag the QuickFox Notes icon wherever you want on the toolbar. Click the icon and a small note window pops up, which you can write in. By default the autosave is set on, and any note you take will be stored in the your Firefox Bookmarks list.

The developer recommends QuickFox Notes is used in conjunction with syncing apps like Xmarks. If you do this, you won’t ever lose your notes, as they’ll be updated along with your bookmarks wherever you have Xmarks installed. This is a neat way of exploiting that extension, and should make QuickFox Notes pretty essential.

Quickfox seems to be missing the option for naming your saved notes at first glance, but if you right click on a note tab, you can rename it. There is no save button either, which is fine if autosave is off, but impractical otherwise! Hopefully a button will be added in a future build.

QuickFox Notes is a really cool idea, which has unfortunately been hampered by missing features. One to keep an eye on.