Shoot anyone who annoys you with your iPhone
Ever been annoyed by someone so much you felt like shooting them? If so, then instead of using a real gun to do the deed, try this safer, more legal alternative on your iPhone.
Shotgun Free is a very simple app that basically lets you pretend you’re shooting someone with your phone. After launching the program you pull sharply down and up on your iPhone to load the shotgun. Then, you hold the device at a right angle, aim at it your target, and flick your hand up to pull the trigger.
The sound effects of the gun cocking and firing are very satisfying, especially if you have the volume turned up loud. Graphically there’s not much to look at in Shotgun Free, though.
Ultimately, Shoutgun Free is a pointless, throwaway app that’s fun to try out for a few minutes before trashing it. Perhaps if there were more weapons, or if the developer introduced a gaming side to the application, it would have more lasting appeal.
As it is though, Shotgun Free makes for a better alternative prop for play war than the old fashioned two-fingers-held-together approach.
Provides preview screen to promote Shotgun DuelFixes some iOS 4.0 compatibility issues
Provides preview screen to promote Shotgun DuelFixes some iOS 4.0 compatibility issues