Storyboard UI

by rmemr erxv for

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A free mod for Witcher 3, by rmemr erxv.

Storyboard UI is a mod that lets you create and customize your own storyboards. It is intended to be a supporting mod for the w2scene encoder, and it allows you to create a *rough* draft that can be used as input for the w2scene encoder. The latest versions of the w2scene encoder require this mod to encode your scenes.

The mod depends heavily on the usage of hotkeys, and it has a very detailed online help with all usable hotkeys for the current context.

You can add actors, monsters, animals, and even some spawnable items to your storyboard, and you can arrange them in different ways.

You can change the settings of your actors, and you can use the different animations and mimics that are available in the game.