Apache gunships are very delicate!
Mobile gaming, on whatever device you use, is likely to be done in motion. Whether in the back of a car, on a train or a bus or a plane, chances are you be being bumped around a bit.
In Apache Lander, you use the iPhone’s motion sensor to gently land a helicopter, with very limited fuel. Pull the iPhone forward to add thrust and slow your fall – which uses precious fuel – and tilt sideways to move the Apache left to right.
The helipad moves position every time you start, meaning you do need to move sideways to land, and your helicopter must be horizontal as you touch down. Too fast and you’ll explode. Too much of an angle, you’ll explode. Not central enough and you’ll explode too. It’s hard to control on solid ground… trying it while on the move and you’ll have a lot of trouble!
Despite being super-sensitive, and only having one background, it becomes more manageable with practice, and there’s the motivation to keep playing to beat your high scores.
Apache Lander it awkward and over sensitive, but can still be compelling to play.