NHS Service Status

by NHS Digital for Android 9.0

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NHS Service Status: Stay Updated with NHS High-Severity Service Incidents

NHS Service Status is an Android app developed by NHS Digital. It is a free utility and tools app that provides access to high-severity service incidents across the NHS. The app also includes an archive of closed incidents and resolution updates. With push notification capability, users can stay informed of the latest issues.

The app is easy to navigate, with a simple and intuitive interface. It provides detailed information about the incidents, including the date and time, the affected service, and the current status. The app also allows users to filter the incidents by date and service, making it easier to find relevant information.

Overall, NHS Service Status is a useful app for anyone who wants to stay informed about high-severity service incidents across the NHS. It provides accurate and up-to-date information, making it a valuable tool for healthcare professionals and patients alike.