Bluecrew – Find Flexible Work

by BlueCrew Inc for iOS 16.4

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Bluecrew – Job App Review

Bluecrew is a job app that offers short and long-term, part-time and full-time hourly job assignments, allowing you to choose the ones that fit your life. With over 900,000 Crew Members who have worked over 1 million shifts, this app offers diverse job assignments, including work in warehouses, retail, food service, stadiums, events, and more.

Once you download the app and sign up, you can select the work you want and build your own schedule, all in the app. Additionally, when you work with Bluecrew, you are a W-2 employee, which means you are protected with benefits like overtime, sick days, and workers’ comp.

Bluecrew is an excellent job app for those who want to have control over their work schedule and prefer to work as a W-2 employee. The app provides job assignments in real-time and offers all the benefits of being a W-2 employee.