Spb Brain Evolution

by SPB Software Ltd. for iOS 3.0

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Hone your brain prowess with this collection of puzzles

If you fancy yourself as a bit of a brainbox then check out Spb Brain Evolution, which puts your gray matter to the test in a series of challenging puzzles.

Spb Brain Evolution is a comprehensive Brain Training suite, comprising of 10 different mini games, including the likes of Sudoku, memory, arithmetic, and minesweeper. Brain Evolution is split into two modes – one for measuring your status, and one to help you improve your abilities.

After you’ve created your profile in Spb Brain Evolution, you’ll embark on the status-measuring mode, where you have to play each of the mini games (of which five are included in the demo version). Your scores on each of these will then be analyzed and you’ll be given a rating (in my case it was ‘Child’). You can then choose to hone your skills on any particular discipline by selecting one of the games to play. Don’t worry if you’ve never played any of the games before because Spb Brain Evolution explains each one very well.

There are a couple of things that annoyed me about both game modes in Spb Brain Evolution. The first was that the total score isn’t displayed on-screen as you play. The second is that you can only play the brain games twice a day or it won’t affect your score.

The ‘My Diary’ section of Spb Brain Evolution allows you to check your progress over time, displaying a calendar that shows you your results, as well as a graph outlining changes. You can also check any awards you’ve picked up along the way – given for exceeding the expectations of your level.

All in all, Spb Brain Evolution offers a comprehensive and intelligently-designed brain training solution for your mobile.

For technical reasons, the download links to the App Store of Apple iTunes where you can download the program directly to your computer or your iPhone/iPod Touch


  • For technical reasons, the download links to the App Store of Apple iTunes where you can download the program directly to your computer or your iPhone/iPod Touch