1.8.0 – Custom Races Template

by KingofTheNorth for

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A free mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, by KingofTheNorth.

A guide to creating custom races for Bannerlord. This is a guide that will help you create your own races, as well as some of the most popular races in the game.

The first thing we need to say about this guide is that it’s extremely easy to follow. The best part is that it’s free, so you won’t have to pay to get the knowledge in this guide.

So, let’s start creating your own races. For this guide, we will be creating two races: Giants and Targaryens.

The first step is to create the file for your race. You need to find the folder where you will be able to create the files. For our example, we will be creating the files in the Modules/CustomMod/ModuleData folder.

The next step is to open the file. In our example, we will be opening the file named Giants.xml. You will need to make sure that you are in the right folder.

You can now make a few adjustments to the file.