붕세권 – 붕어빵 잉어빵 풀빵 국화빵 지도
When you crave for warm winter snacks like 붕어빵 (fish-shaped bread), 잉어빵 (carp bread), 풀빵 (red bean bread), or 국화빵 (chrysanthemum bread), it can be quite difficult to find them these days.
But worry not, because the 붕세권 (Bunsekwon) app is here to help you! With the help of user submissions, this app creates a map of all the places where you can find these delicious snacks.
Whether you’re a local or a tourist, this app will guide you to the nearest bakery or street vendor that sells 붕어빵, 잉어빵, 풀빵, or 국화빵. No more wandering around in search of these treats – simply open the app and let it lead you to the nearest spot!
Download the 붕세권 app now and satisfy your cravings for these traditional snacks.