
by Long Tsai for Android 13.0

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速戰二人暗棋 is a two-player dark chess game available for Android. It offers a unique twist to the traditional game of chess, allowing players to make hidden moves and strategically eat each other’s pieces.

The game features the ability to make hidden captures, where a player can eat their opponent’s piece without revealing their own. Players can continue to make consecutive captures until there are no more pieces to be eaten or they choose to switch the piece they are currently moving.

The size of the pieces determines their strength, with the King being the most powerful and the Pawn being the least. Pawns can capture the King, but if a Pawn encounters a Cannon, it results in a draw. Players can strategically use self-sacrifice to avoid being captured by larger pieces.

Additionally, the game offers a “Quick Battle” mode where players can flip open all the pieces at once and choose their side (Black or Red) before starting the game. Players can also agree to play without hidden or consecutive captures, following the standard rules of dark chess.

With its unique gameplay mechanics and strategic elements, 速戰二人暗棋 provides an exciting twist to the traditional game of chess, making it a must-try for fans of strategy games.