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撲克接龍排七: A Challenging Solitaire Card Game

撲克接龍排七 is a solitaire game that revolves around poker cards. The objective is to sort the cards in ascending order from 7 to King or in descending order from 6 to Ace. If there are no cards to sort, players must discard a card. The game ends when all players have no more cards to sort, and the grades and winner are displayed.

This game features several unique rules and gameplay modes. In the Open Score Mode, the player with the fewest lost points becomes the winner and can accumulate points from other players. Additionally, the winner has the opportunity to view other players’ cards.

The game also offers a range of customizable features. Players can create their own poker pictures and choose from twenty-one card pictures, eighteen card styles, twenty-two number types, four click animations, and five throw card animations. Unlocking more card pictures, styles, and animations is possible by using in-game points.

Furthermore, players can personalize their gaming experience by defining the name and photo of each player.

撲克接龍排七 is an engaging solitaire card game that offers challenging gameplay and a variety of customization options. Whether you’re a solitaire enthusiast or a poker fan, this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment.