Exciting RPG Game: 名前でたたかうRPG コトダマ勇者
名前でたたかうRPG コトダマ勇者 is an exciting role-playing game available on Android. The game allows players to create unique characters based on the names they input. Depending on the name chosen, the character’s abilities and job will differ, making each character one-of-a-kind. The goal is to find the strongest name and create powerful characters.
One of the enjoyable aspects of the game is discovering special names that result in unique character creations. For example, “ランスロット” becomes a knight, “織田信長” becomes a samurai, “ナイチンゲール” becomes a monk, “バハムート” becomes a dragon, and “ポチ” becomes a dog, among many others.
In the world of “コトダマ勇者,” test out the names you know and see what kind of characters they become. Create multiple characters, defeat monsters, and bring peace back to the world.