モザイク編集 動画編集アプリ
モザイク編集 動画編集アプリ is an iPhone application that allows users to easily add mosaic effects to their videos. With this app, users can simply trace their finger over the areas they want to apply the mosaic effect to. The app also provides the ability to adjust the duration of the mosaic effect by dragging a label.
One of the standout features of this app is the ability to create multiple mosaic masks to match the shape of the subject in the video. This allows users to apply mosaic effects that seamlessly follow the movement of the subject.
To use the app, users need to select a video and can then choose to trim, rotate, or flip it if necessary. They can then tap the plus icon to start tracing the areas where they want to apply the mosaic effect. By dragging the label, users can determine the duration of the mosaic effect. Finally, users can select the video size and save it to their album.
モザイク編集 動画編集アプリ is a free app available on the iPhone platform. It provides a simple and convenient way to add mosaic effects to videos, making it a useful tool for anyone looking to protect privacy or add a creative touch to their videos.