ポイント運用アプリ StockPoint

by STOCK POINT Inc. for Android 13.0

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ポイント運用アプリ StockPoint – A Point Management App for Investment Enthusiasts

STOCK POINT Inc. has developed a unique point management application called StockPoint that allows users to manage points for about 170 brands. The app is ideal for investment enthusiasts who are interested in investing but have not yet taken the plunge. The app does not require any cash at the start and can be started without a securities account.

With StockPoint, users can manage their points and watch them change according to price movements such as stock prices. If users accumulate up to 1 share, they can exchange it for actual shares. However, it is necessary to open a securities account of a securities company designated by the developer when exchanging for shares.

The app is recommended for those who want to invest in famous companies, study stock price movements, are good at saving points, or are worried about future money. Users can also get free points that can be used for newly added stocks by applying for a campaign or exchanging stocks in operation for free points.