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Securely store and organize your important data

Here we have a good name for a good program. Wallet can store all your important information in a clear and well structured interface.

Those of you that already use Apple’s Keychain Access will find some similarities in Wallet’s interface. Items you create can be saved in one of the existing groups like serial numbers, web services or credit cards and you can also create your own.

Wallet includes a handy password generator for when you have trouble finding a good one to use. Just type in where you want numbers or letters, if you want it to be pronounceable or not and let it do it’s job. Wallet also works with Apple’s Password Assistant to let you create a very solid one.

The application comes with a Dashboard widget which can let you search for any item stored in Wallet.

As expected, Wallet comes with an autofill feature, great for handling forms on the web. I was a bit surprised that this feature only works with Safari, OmniWeb and IE. Surely other browser like Firefox or Opera should have been included.

Despite this slight limitation, Wallet is a great app to store any sort of sensitive data and create strong passwords.

Automatic syncing options now occur only when changes have been madeImproved text import with option to use first row as group headersBug fixes & other improvements


  • Automatic syncing options now occur only when changes have been madeImproved text import with option to use first row as group headersBug fixes & other improvements

Take an already awesome password storage program, slap on a new eye-dazzling interface, speed up the performance, increase security, and make it a ton cooler. Now you’ve got Wallet 2 – brand new remake of one of the most popular secure database apps for Mac OS X.

Wallet 2 uses military-strength 448-bit Blowfish encryption to secure your most important data. You can feel safe knowing that absolutely no one will be able to access your Wallet database without the correct password, in or out of the Wallet application.

Wallet 2 includes extra security features to make sure you’re always secure. One of the newest features is one we like to call Quick-Lock. At the push of a button, Wallet will securely lock itself to any wandering intruders. Use it whenever you leave your desk or Mac! Some of the other options include the ability to clear the clipboard when you quit, automatically lock Wallet after a certain period of time, or clear the clipboard when you lock the application. There’s even a built-in password assistant to help you choose a database password that will be completely undiscoverable.