Ultimate FAQ – WordPress FAQ Plugin

by Etoile Web Design for 5.0 or higher

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a free WordPress plugin for creating and embedding FAQ tables

Ultimate FAQ – WordPress FAQ Plugin is a free add-on for the popular WordPress blogging platform. It gives you the ability to create frequently asked question tables and easily embed them into posts and pages through the WordPress admin dashboard.

The plugin integrates with WordPress seamlessly, and site admins can insert FAQ sections using shortcode or the Gutenberg block editor. There’s no need for third-party code editors like Fresh HTML, and no prior HTML knowledge is required.

Responsive design methods

The Ultimate FAQ Plugin uses responsive design methods to ensure FAQ sections display properly on all types of devices, including mobile devices and PCs. The FAQs are also stacked using an accordion layout to provide better visibility and give them the option to expand questions and answers.

Flexible editing options

This plugin is great for site admins who prefer to store data independently off-site. The FAQ builder makes it possible to import data from external spreadsheets. You can also easily reorder the FAQs through the intuitive backend settings panel. The plugin is also compatible with Gutenberg WordPress block editor.

A versatile plugin

Ultimate FAQ provides several ways to add FAQs to your website, including shortcodes and the Ultimate FAQ widget. The widget lets you add FAQ tables to the sidebar, footer, and other areas depending on the theme. Advanced users can also customize the CSS to add more style to the FAQs.

Additional useful features

Site admins can view user statistics, such as the view count, and choose which elements to show in the FAQs. You can also enable comments, and if you purchase the premium license, you’ll gain access to many more useful features.