The Incident

by Big Bucket Software for

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A dodge and avoid 2D retro game

The Incident is an 8-bit pixilated game that has a similar feel and retro graphics to the Amiga game “The Simpsons.” The aim is to avoid the things that fall while climbing higher using what falls from the sky as your climbing platform.

Random junk falls from the sky

The Incident is all about a man whose world is falling apart. He is trapped in a small area and different things keep falling from the sky. Your job is to avoid the various objects that fall from the sky. You lose one of your three life points if you are hit with something, and if you lose all three life points in a single level, then you lose one of your many lives. Pick up new life points as they fly around; they are sometimes attached to balloons. Get more lives by looking for the pillars of light that indicate where a life is about to drop.

Like dodging Tetris pieces

The Incident is one of many indie games that pretend their primitive graphics are retro, and this is one of them, but it deserves a little more respect than the average indie game. The production values are terrible, and there are only 7 levels, but at least the developers have made an effort to create a rounded game. It is also a little more user-friendly than the regular indie game. It is an arcade game that looks like it was inspired by the game “Fix it Felix jr.”