Templates for Numbers (by Nobody)

by Nobody LLC for

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Useful Tool for Businesses

Templates for Numbers (by Nobody) is a special extension for the Numbers app that has been created especially for businesses of all sizes and types. Users are provided with fifty five different templates that can be customised according to their unique business needs.

Getting Down to Business

All aspects of business can be accomplished easily with Templates for Numbers (by Nobody) including budgets, planners and lists. Users simply need to locate and select the template that has been created specifically for their business need and then get busy imputing their data and then sharing it if they wish with other members if their company or their customers. However, in order to use the app, people already need to have purchased and installed the Numbers spreadsheet app.

Your Template, Your Way

People who are able to get over the eye watering lime green background are able to find that Templates for Numbers (by Nobody) is a very useful business tool. The huge number of templates available is a real bonus and makes creating all types of business profiles a breeze.