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Pick Out the Perfect Colour Palette with Spectrum

Spectrum is an app designed to help you to create colour schemes. Whatever your purpose, this tool can let you assemble a colour palette that works.

An App to Help You Assemble a Colour Palette

A major part of any artistic endeavour is choosing the right colours for the job, and this is an art in itself. Even an experienced artist will often find themselves struggling to pick out the exact colours that will work best together. Spectrum is an app designed to make this job simpler: it uses an interface that outwardly resembles the colour palette from any number of art program, but which is tailored specifically towards picking multiple colours that work well together.

A Range of Tools for Choosing Colours

Spectrum allows you to pick individual colours from anywhere on your screen, or capture a colour palette from an imported image. Once you have selected a colour scheme to play with, you can experiment using tints and shades to get the right balance. Finished colour schemes can be saved, or even exported as separate files. This makes it easy for your finished palette to be incorporated into another piece of art software.