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Scale images to prepare for printing

Scale’n’Print creates a scale overlay on your images. Using the scale, you may figure out object sizes, you may figure out what is larger or smaller despite the perspective that the image has. Plus, by using the scale overlay, you may scale up and down different images for printing.

Print out larger images on standard printers

Scale’n’Print is a tool that allows you to place a graph overlay (filter) on your images so that you may scale and measure different image elements. It also allows you to cut up larger images into tiles and then print the tiles as A4 printouts. The idea is that you place the A4 images side-by-side in order to create a larger picture (like a printout jigsaw or collage).

Getting it working is very tough

Scale’n’Print is a very disappointing tool. Getting it to correctly tile your larger images so that you may print them on a regular/standard A4 printer is very difficult and many times the image comes out incorrectly tiled because of unexpected margin spaces. Reprinting misprinted pages is also tricky. However, the biggest flaw is that you need to run trial and error tests with your backwards compatibility function to find the settings this tool needs to open without crashing.