RegistrationMagic – Custom Registration Forms and User Login

by Registrationmagic for 3.3 or higher

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Free registration forms and user-login WordPress theme for upcoming events

RegistrationMagic is a free registration plugin and a registration form builder for WordPress. This plugin lets you create different registration forms and add payment options for paid registrations. You have complete control of users registering on your website. Similar plugins include MemebrPress, WP Forms, and Ultimate Member.

RegistrationMagic keeps track of all registration forms submitted to your website. You can track the documents on the registration website. Your users can change passwords, track payment transactions, etc. The plugin gives you complete control of the management of who is joining your website. You can also manage the attachments you receive and the registration forms. Ou can send bulk emails, handle payments, and more. 

RegistrationMagic Features

The powerful Custom Status feature lets you manage multi-step registration and approval processes. You can use it in industry registration systems like WordPress event registration forms. RegitrationMagic also works with the Limit feature to manage the registration time frame. This feature helps to avoid overbooking. 

You can customize checkout registration forms on the WooCommerce page with RegistrationMagic. The plugin allows you to view WooCommerce records and download information. The plugin also supports payment options like PayPal, and stripe, on premium subscriptions.  

Other Integrated Plugins

User Management module connects user registration and payment transactions with individual user accounts. User Manager provides the site owner with essential information about each subscriber. It also allows for suspending and re-activating users. 

This WordPress plugin integrates new user roles with your sign-in and registration systems. Your website subscribers can link this plugin with the WordPress default user-meta system. User-meta system connects your form fields with existing user-meta keys. You can also complete individual form fields. 

Make registration easy

RegistrationMagic is a plugin that makes registration easy for you and your website users. It grants you complete control over who registers and how to manage those registrations. You can also edit the username and password fields. This plugin helps you create event-based registration and enables you to manage limitations. 

RegistrationMagic is not only about the sign-up registration forms. It can create different types of documents for you. This registration plugin integrates with the new privacy options. The new privacy options clear the collected user data and add a privacy policy to your registration forms.