Recipe Contest WordPress Plugin

by GalleryPlugins for 3.9 or higher

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How To: Utilize a Recipe Contest WordPress Plugin, Top Questions of Most Clients

A few (or many) of my clients have asked me about the possibility of using a Recipe Contest theme in WordPress. I told them it’s one of the easiest themes to implement and use – even easier than many of the other WP-inspired themes out there (such as Thesis or Genesis). It’s also very easy to customize, and has a clean, simple design that is very intuitive to use. This quick tutorial will show you how to set up and utilize a completed/designed Recipe Contest WordPress Plugin to create and develop a new Theme Design within WordPress.

Here’s the setup: First, open a new (or existing) WordPress blog and login with your WordPress user ID and password. Second, install any of the many (or not so much) of the free or paid contest plugins available online. Third, locate and activate your selected plugin. Now, create a new Recipe Contest or upload an existing one, and select disqualify to remove any selected entries that aren’t fully qualified.

Once the above step is complete, save your selected entry and select Save at the bottom of the screen. Upload your selected entry and wait for it to be reviewed and approved for publishing. Now all you need to do is load the olved version of the WordPress plugin. Select Search at the top of the screen, scroll down to Plugin Options, and click on ode. That’s it – all you need to do now is type in some social media keywords to generate your winning recipe contest WordPress theme!