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Correct distorted images

PTLens is an excellent application to correct or add distortion to your pictures.

You’ll be able to apply a fish eye effect, modify perspective, chromatic aberation and vignetting.

PTLens also lets you correct barrel-pincushion distortion on a wide range of camera models. It doesn’t seem to allow you to add new models though.

Adding effects is really easy thanks to sliders and you can immediately see the changes in the preview. You can also simply disable an effect you don’t want by unselecting it.

The program’s interface does feel a little clunky, and you wonder why the directory is on the right, instead of next to the preview. We appreciate that plugins for Photoshop and Aperture and an external editor for Adobe Lightroom come in the installer though, so you can also use it in your favorite photo editor.

The plugins will work exactly as the standalone application.

PTLens is Windows software that corrects lens pincushion/barrel distortion, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. PTLens is available as a standalone application or Photoshop plug-in.

PTLens runs under Windows 2000 or Windows XP with a monitor resolution of at least 1024×768 (DPI 96). The plug-in version works with Photoshop version 6 and above and all versions of Photoshop Elements.

Although PTLens is compatible with Paint Shop Pro, camera make, model, lens, and focal length must be manually specified as Paint Shop Pro does not furnish EXIF information to plug-ins.