
by One Kerato for

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A PDF contents editing tool

PDFOutliner is a utility app for anyone who presents written reports in a PDF format and who would like to generate a table of contents for their work with little effort. The system organizes your contents for you according to the pages on which each chapter or sub-section sit.

Automatically generate tables of contents

This app is designed for a sole purpose, that of creating a table of contents for a PDF document. You can use it to do so from scanned paperwork as well as PDFs exported by Pages.app. In fact, PDFOutliner will allow you to organize multi-page scanned documents in a single PDF document if wanted. OCR pages are supported, as well. The table of contents you make using the app will appear in a sidebar or pop-over when somebody goes on to open your PDF in their reading app.

A useful PDF utility?

This utility app is great for students who want a contents page for their papers before handing them in. It is also good for engineers who generate lots of reports but it is not really useful for general users of PDFs.