Parallels Toolbox

by Parallels for Mac OS X

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The One Stop Toolbox?

Designed to carry out a number of everyday tasks, Parallels Toolbox combines a number of useful utilities into a single package. It is simply laid out with a very easy-to-use interface which takes the hassle out of a variety of tasks.

A No-Fuss Toolbox

The accent with Parallels Toolbox is on simplicity. It will allow users to take a screenshot of their computer with a simple click, for example. It also offers complete security for your private files with an easy password protection system. It will also allow you to download a video from social media sites, such as YouTube or Facebook, without any problems. If you want to keep track of what you are doing on your screen then you can also use it to record video, perhaps to upload at a later date. One of the handiest functions, however, it to keep your Mac from entering its sleep mode with a single click. The software also includes some useful audio functions, such as a mic mute button and audio recording interface.

A Complete Tool Set?

Although Parallels Toolbox lacks something in terms of its originality, the software does bring a number of useful tasks together in a single place. Therefore, it will appeal to people who want to simplify their computing rather than seeking a myriad of apps for individual functions.