Pakpak Dairi Bible

by Global Bible Apps FCBH for Android 13.0

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Pakpak Dairi Bible: Free Bible App for Android

Pakpak Dairi Bible is a free Bible app for Android developed by Global Bible Apps FCBH. This app allows users to read, listen and meditate on the Word of God in Pakpak Dairi. It is easy to download and use, and comes with a range of useful features.

One of the standout features of the app is the ability to download the New Testament in Pakpak Dairi for free. Users can read the text and listen to the audio, with each verse highlighted as it plays. The app also allows users to bookmark and highlight their favourite verses, add notes and search for words in the Bible. Additionally, there is a Verse of the Day function that can be turned on or off, and users can create Bible verse wallpapers to share with friends and on social media.