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Striking the Right Balance Between Plain Text and Word Processors

Markdown is a word processor-cum-editing tool that makes editing and writing texts on digital devices, such as tablets, easy. It makes adding formatting such as bold, headers, bulleted lists, etc. to plain text simple.

Simple Formatting Syntax

Markdown employs a pretty simple formatting syntax for accomplishing what RTF (rich text format) or HTML accomplish. The difference being Markdown is simpler comparatively, and there is also no need to worry about closing and opening tags. Also, it doesn’t come with all the menus identified with other text editing programs. For formatting text, Markdown utilizes characters and punctuations that you must be familiar with already.Markdown’s simplicity may look different and also a tad complex in the beginning. However, once you get familiar with all the syntax, you would appreciate the barebones approach. There are syntax libraries and interactive tutorials online to help you learn the tool.

Helps Organize Things

Markdown was initially designed to function as an HTML alternative, and help people with zero HTML experience create web pages. However, it has evolved or has been embraced over the years as a potent tool to organize to-do lists, notes, etc. It presents all the benefits that there are to plain text; however, it does that incorporating a word processor’s organizational power. The ultimate objective is a simple writing setup that can be used for penning down thoughts, and later exporting them somewhere without having to worry much about how things would look.