
by Vikram Chandra for Mac OS X

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Keep track of your story details with this writing app

Granthika is a handy creative writing application that allows you to organize all the details in your story. Developed by novelist Vikram Chandra, Granthika helps you keep tracking of your various information regarding your stories, like character attributes, things, places, and events. However, it’s not just a program to dump your creative juices into—Granthika also assists you in staying on course and being productive. You craft your writing, using the details you registered to remind you of things you might have forgotten.

No more confusion while writing

Granthika in Sanskrit means “narrator; relator” or “one who understands the joints or divisions of time.” It’s closely related to granth—which means to “to fasten or tie together”—and grantha—which is “an artificial arrangement of words.” From its meaningful name, this writing program aims to be a solid support to fiction and non-fiction writers struggling to bring together their ideas into one coherent picture. Granthika is a hodge-podge of tools in one package. It’s both an editor, a database of details, and a timeline-maker—a veritable super-app, so to speak. 

Among its features, you can find word-processing, universe-building, timeline-making, and narrative structure-managing as some of its most prominent tools for your use. You can gather various information about the characters, locations, and events you’ve made, and note down tidbits about them. When you start writing, facts will suddenly come to you and you can easily tag these with the appropriate labels, notes, and descriptions. These details are easy to access while you’re working. 

For events, you can create a visual timeline that Granthika’s system will enforce while you write. Chapters and scenes are also easy to rearrange with the app’s sidebar menu if you want a better structure. Granthika is free for 14 days and offers a monthly and yearly subscription license for two computers. The writing app is great for elaborate world-building and writers who dislike messing up minor information. However, it’s mostly centered on writing and doesn’t feature any multimedia as your inspirational storyboard.