Drone Pilot Canada

by Laurence Dunkelman for iOS 16.4

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Drone Pilot Canada: The One-Stop-Shop for Canadian Drone Pilots

Drone Pilot Canada is a full-version app designed specifically for Canadian drone pilots, developed by Laurence Dunkelman. It provides a simple and intuitive map interface that helps pilots identify safe flying locations in compliance with Transport Canada’s 2019 Canadian RPAS regulations. The app offers flight logging capabilities that record flight location and time, pilot and crew identification, aircraft used, and weather at the time of the flight.

Drone Pilot Canada includes standard pre-flight checklists and procedures that can be customized by the user. It also manages pilot and crew certification data, aircraft registration data, and maintenance log recording. All user records can be exported in csv format for reporting or archival purposes. Other features of the app include a built-in library of Transport Canada regulations and guidelines, as well as a messaging system that allows pilots to communicate with other drone pilots in their area.