Doodle Kingdom

by JoyBits Ltd. for

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A medieval and mystical puzzle solving game

Solve puzzle quests and wait to earn items that you use within the “My Hero” running section, where you sit back and watch your hero defeat mystical creatures.

The puzzle game with a running and fighting portion

Doodle Kingdom is a puzzle game that allows you to fight for your kingdom by running your hero through a forest and completing quests. However, you cannot control your hero, you just watch him/her run and maybe give him or her a potion or a boost of some sort. Each day when you start the app, you will get a free prize that will help you pass fight the bosses when your hero runs into them.

Getting nowhere fast without paying again

Since you cannot progress without items, you need to wait to receive them every day, or spend money on in-app purchases so that you may progress. In other words, you have to wait or purchase things with real money if you wish to progress, which is unfair in a game you have already paid for. Doodle Kingdom is okay for people who are fans of the franchise and who like brain teaser games. But, you do not get much for your money.