Constant Contact Forms

by Constant Contact for 5.2 or higher

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Free contact form plugin for your WordPress site

Constant Contact Form is helpful when you’re trying to add a contact form to your WordPress site. You can use it to create a signup form for email marketing, to sell online, or to give visitors a way to get in touch with you. 

Constant Contact is the creator of this plugin, which is compatible with at least WordPress 5.2.0. It also supports PHP version 5.6 and upwards. You can download the plugin for a free sixty-day trial. Other similar plugins include Mailchimp, Convertkit, and GetResponse.

Plugin features

This plugin connects your Constant Contact account to your WordPress website. It offers a simple way to create forms and get visitors to sign up for your mailing list. It lets you customize the type of information you ask your visitors, and adds email addresses to the Constant Contact email list you choose. 

Try it out

Sign up for a free sixty-day trial with Constant Contact. After activation, click on ‘Connect Your Account’ in the notification area to link the account to your WordPress site. 

Then, you can create a new form from Contact Form add copy text to encourage visitors to sign up. Remember to specify how often they’ll receive emails from you. You can also format the text with the usual options, like bold, italics, and alignment. 

Next, choose the email list to add new subscribers. Then, edit the text on the button and create a specific message to show visitors after successful signup. You can then add a URL in the Redirect URL field, which will take the visitors to a particular page. Additionally, you can add an opt-in box for users to confirm that they want to subscribe. 

Specify the form fields you’d like to add and choose if you want an email notification for every signup. There are minimal customization options since most of the styling originates from your installed theme. You can publish your form and add it to any page, post, or sidebar using the Gutenberg shortcode block. 

Create custom forms for WordPress

Constant Contact Forms lets you create forms with custom fields for your WordPress site. It creates a shortcode that you can add anywhere on your site with access to the Gutenberg shortcode block. 

You can try it out with the free sixty-day trial.