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Clean Up Your Old Xcode Projects And Make Them Work.

CleanDetritus is a utility for programmers, primarily those who work in Xcode, that cleans up different types of stray files. These files often result in error messages about “Finder information, or similar detritus”, which CleanDetritus is designed to remove without damaging or even altering any project files.

Slow but steady cleans the project

CleanDetritus has a very simple interface, and often all you need to do to make it work is drop the relevant folder or folders into it. Because CleanDetritus has to look for a wide variety of different detritus types, from .png exports to actual “Finder detritus”, it can take some time for it to finish its job. This is especially true in very large project folders. On the other hand, the results are usually worth it: projects run through the app will export just fine and make their way to the App Store or wherever else they’re bound for.

A clean choice

Overall, CleanDetritus works very well: if you absolutely must cut through Finder detritus and export an Xcode program, then CleanDetritus will do a lot of work that would be difficult or impossible by hand. Its added features are jus ta bonus, and its flaws just require patience.