
by App4mac for Mac OS X

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A doctor for your Mac

It’s always annoying when your brand new Mac starts to slow down slightly on shut downs and startups and certain instabilities become more frequent.

Checkup is designed for giving your Mac a well deserved checkup to see if everything is optimized and functioning as it should be. It covers just about everything from RAM readouts to the speed of your processor so if there is a problem, Checkup should find it. Installation is straightforward although because CheckUp scans deep into your Mac, you have to enter your admin password to allow it access to your hard drive. You’ve also got to restart which is a bit annoying.

The first thing you notice is that the interface is extremely well designed and elegant making the best of everything that Leopard has to offer. It’s very easy to browse through the main features which you’ll find as large tabs at the top of the app. CheckUp analyses networks, disks, systems and processors and it supports Growl alerts for when it’s completed checking-up.

The litmus test of any app like this though is has your Mac’s performance improved after using it? It’s hard to tell after using CheckUp whether your Mac is operating more quickly and smoothly but it certainly doesn’t seem to do any harm, and hey, it looks great.

Checkup is a great monitoring utility that brings together several disk checking apps into one very elegant interface.

Improved stability Improved alerts management Improved performance


  • Improved stability Improved alerts management Improved performance