Start From Nothing. Build Your Way Up. Found A Multinational.
Capitalism 2 is a business simulator in which you start a business specializing or expanding into more than 60 possible products and growing from its headquarters to take the world by storm. There’s a number of different screens, such as a city-wide view, a global map, and several screens worth of spreadsheets and graphs.
More and less than business
Capitalism 2 doesn’t hold your hand, and it doesn’t give you a lot to start with. Learning the game can be very difficult, and though the game looks good, its sprase music and data-heavy presentation may turn off some players. There’s a lot to do, however, with multiple possible ways of playing.
A choice you might pay for
Overall, Capitalism 2 is as ruthless and difficult a business simulator as you can reasonably get without making an unplayable game (or something that’s not a game at all). Data-minded people who love a challenge and are willing to sink tons of time into one game will find value in this one. Others looking for more casual fare will want to consider a title like SimCity instead.