
by The bbPress Contributors for 5.0 or higher

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Tope Free online discussion board plugin for WordPress

bbPress is a free discussion board or forum for WordPress with similar features to BuddyPress, ForumEngine, and Simple:Press with slight significant differences. While plugins like BuddyPress delve more into the social networking arena, bbPress lets your visitors discuss topics and interact with each other via comments in a thread. 

You can create the forum threads directly in the WordPress dashboard while also viewing the number of topics and comments per item. It’s helpful if you’re hosting support forums on your site and you need to be on top of reader questions. You can also choose who has permission to post or start topics.

Creating a discussion board

If you have a massive site that requires constant interaction with your audience for support reasons, bbPress lets you start topics to address their concerns. It’s also possible to simply run the plugin on a site that’s designed for topical discussions based on the main theme. The first option usually involves complete management by your team, while the latter gives users permission to create their own topics.

Monitoring comments and replies

Another benefit of bbPress is that you can quickly see how many topics and comments there are per thread. It also makes it easier for your admin team to moderate what’s happening in the discussions so there’s better control and monitoring. If you’re running the boards for support, you want to prevent nasty comments from portraying a bad company image. Of course, there are sites that encourage this behavior.

Is bbPress the same as BuddyPress?

The primary difference between bbPress and BuddyPress is how the audience members interact with each other. bbPress uses a forum model, where users can reply to threads via comments. BuddyPress has a social networking focus to provide more engagement and show connections between members, almost like LinkedIn.

Engaging with members on the forums

bbPress is considered one of the top forum plugins for WordPress websites. The design and functionality is sleek and easy to use, and there aren’t too many frills to complicate matters. You can quickly create and monitor discussions within your WP dashboard to take any actions needed.