Audio Unit Manager

by Audiofile-engineering for Mac OS X

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Organize your audio units into sets

If you feel your Mac is starting to get crowded with Audio Units then this application should help you put some order into things.

For those of you who might not know, Audio Units are a set application programming interface (API) services in Mac OS which generate, process, receive and manipulate streams of audio. They’re most commonly used to time stretch audio files, convert samples rates or stream audio over a Local Area Network. To simplify things, if you’ve listened to a track or a music stream on your Mac, there’s a good chance you’ve used Audio Units, even though might not be aware of it.

Most users will probably not worry about where they’re Audio Units or located, or how they’re organized, but those of you that have a bit more of technical knowledge and regularly work with audio, let’s say in GarageBand or Logic Pro, might be interested. Thanks to a simple interface, Audio Unit Manager will let you manage them easily, reorganizing them by sets, disabling or enabling the ones you select or trashing the ones you don’t need.

Limited to more technical users, Audio Unit Manager lets you manage and reorganize all your Audio Units in one simple interface.

With Audio Units and hosts multiplying practically daily, users with growing collections of both soon want to be able to specify subsets of Audio Units to be loaded with particular hosts. Audio Unit Manager provides a simple way to organize Audio Units into sets so users can load just the Audio Units they need for a particular application.

This can mean accelerated application launch times and exclusion of incompatible Audio Units for some hosts. Audio Unit Manager’s command line option makes it possible to select a set in an AppleScript before launching an AudioUnit host. Audio Unit Manager also makes tedious trial by error trouble shooting easier by allowing simple disabling of an Audio Unit.


  • Intuitive main window
  • Audio Units menu
  • Enable/disable all Audio Units
  • Verify Audio Units (via AUVal) with results
  • Move Audio Units to Trash
  • One-of-a-kind integrated Help Desk