Art Collector

by Specere for Mac OS X

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Add album art to your music library

If you’ve been following Mac news recently you’ve probably heard that both Art Collector and Menuet are now charityware, which means they are completely free.

This is great news, because Art Collector is a very intuitive album art application for Mac.

Art Collector displays your music library, so no need of opening up iTunes, and lets you drag and drop album covers that you find on the internet onto selected tracks.

You can use the search bar on the top right of the program to find songs faster. Art Collector also lets you add album art to an album or to your whole library.

Simple to use, Art Collector really speeds up the highly repetitive, yet geekily exciting, prospect of finding each and every album cover for your music library.

You can’t miss the fact that it’s charityware (there’s an announcement for it that fills up the program interface on startup), so if you cherish your music collection, here’s the opportunity to complement it.

Art Collector provides the ultimate, streamlined interface for users to find and apply album art to their music library, making the solution to the problem as simple as selecting your nude albums, and dropping in your preferred art from the selection Art Collector will automatically provide, courtesy of Amazon.