
by Uri for Mac OS X

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Like an anemone

This hypnotic particle-based screensaver looks and moves just like an anemone. A change from more classic screensavers, Anèmona is incredibly relaxing, as you contemplate the movement and flow of all the particles.

The screensaver suffers no lag or crash and is very easy to set up, like any other screensaver.

You can’t really change any settings, but I personally don’t mind, as I enjoy the purplish hue of the particles.

The latest version also has a discreet glow effect and particles trail a bit longer. You’ll also notice that particles turn a bit redder when they move faster.

One tip though: don’t watch it too long, you might get hypnotized.

Anèmona is a particle-based screensaver based on LiquidMac. Its movements suggest the ones of a sea anemone. Unlike LiquidMac, it doesn’t use the SMS (Sudden Motion Sensor) to create its beautiful patterns.