
by PickPlugins for 3.8 or higher

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Free collapsible displays builder

Accordion is a WordPress plugin that lets you display web content using a collapsible layout. With this plugin, you can create unlimited accordions for tabs, frequently asked questions (FAQs), WooCommerce tabs, knowledge bases, and much more. You can display them using a shortcode on any page, post, or widget.

PickPlugins has developed the Accordion plugin. It’s compatible with WordPress 3.8 and up. You can download it for free in Chinese, Spanish, or US English. Other accordion plugins you can try are Easy Responsive Shortcodes, Xpert Accordion, and BBSpoiler.

Plugin features

The plugin allows you to create unlimited accordions to display content like:

  • Tabs and FAQs
  • Knowledge bases
  • WooCommerce tabs
  • Questions and Answers sections

You can customize them to fit your site by changing the color, font size, and accordion icons. Then, use the shortcode [accordions_pplugins] to avoid conflict with third parties when displaying them on your pages, posts, and widgets.

You can choose to enable lazy load for your accordions to ensure the best site speed. The plugin uses the jQuery user interface library to make sure the displays are responsive on all devices. 

Set custom icons for headers, or use the included ‘font awesome’ as the default option. You can customize them even more by changing the font size and the default and hover color. The plugin also allows you to customize your header, content, and container styles.

Create your accordion content with the WP editor to add text, images, or other media. 

Pro features

With Pro, you can create nested accordions and display a expand/collapse button. It also allows the user to scroll to the top when they click on the accordion header. The plugin will also let you open or activate accordions based on URL parameters or hashes. Helpful features are seeing analytics for user clicks and a search bar to search accordion content. 

Accordion displays made easy

The Accordion plugin gives you a straightforward way to build unlimited responsive accordion displays. Use the WP text editor to create content and add images or other media. It’s easy to customize the color and font of the headers and content to fit your website’s look or use the ‘awesome font’ as a default. 

It also lets you enable lazyload for best speed performance. The developer provides a shortcode to avoid conflict with other plugins. The developer has fixed an HTML output issue with the latest release.