Divvy – Window Manager

by Mizage LLC for

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Manage Your Windows With Ease, Style And Even Fun.

Divvy is a drag-and-drop focused window manager for Mac OS that allows the user to place windows side-by-side, even across multiple monitors, with each window in the shape and position of the user’s choice.

As simple as using your mouse

Divvy offers the user with a 4×4 grid by default, that allows them to place any number of windows in a square configuration on their desktop. Using Divvy, you can have multiple windows squarely side-by-side, and you can move those windows into position with a few quick clicks. You can also resize what each cell in the grid represents, meaning it’s not at all hard to use Divvy to, for example, have a single large window and two smaller windows.

Competitive even if slower

Overall, for time-crunching business users, Divvy might not be exactly as good as SizeUp, one of its more keyboard-focused window management competitors. But for average users, and even some business users, the features Divvy offers as well as its sheer ease of use make it sit near the top when it comes to window management options.